
I would like to take this post to express gratitude regarding everything that is going right in my life. I think that it is sometimes important to step back, and acknowledge the good things, as they can sometimes be forgotten.

For one, I am grateful that I had the opportunity and the courage to move from New Brunswick to Vancouver, BC in September 2011.

I am grateful to have been admitted to a fantastic Acting School (Vancouver Acting School), and to have been placed in a class filled with intelligent, talented, and hardworking actors.

I am grateful for my boyfriend, with whom I’ve been together for over four years. He has never given up on me, and has always told me that I can do whatever I want to do.

I am grateful for my family (my brother, sister, and mom) who have shown me endless support as I work towards my dream.

I am grateful for my friends, and for every person who has touched my life in anyway. I hope I have done the same to them.

I am grateful for my apartment building, and the fantastic view I get of Vancouver as I sit and eat my breakfast in the morning.

I am grateful for my coaches at VAS (Vancouver Acting School) for what they have taught me – about both the craft and life. I am also grateful for the confidence they have inspired in me, and the time they have spent helping me on my journey.

I am grateful for my health, my persistence, and endurance.

I am grateful for the natural talents I have been given, and which I am now trying to develop to the height of their capacity (there is no ceiling on potential by the way).

I am grateful for my job at Club 16: Trevor Linden Fitness, and the income that it provides me.

I am grateful for my education, and for all the books on my bookshelf which introduced me to the infinite possibilities of the story.

I am grateful to be alive, and to have the opportunity to have all of these experiences.

And a special shout out of gratitude and appreciation to Michael Coleman for believing in me and this project, and to Jill Morrison for taking time out of her day to help me with my audition for VAS showcase. It really means so much.

Thank you.

What are you grateful for? Take a moment, and think about what’s amazing about your life. Tell me about it in the comment section of this post. I would love to hear about it.

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