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There is a specific way that I like to see myself, and when my actions do not support this image I feel uncomfortable and aggravated. Part of finding an internal comfort zone, is discovering and maintaining a self that I am proud of. I have been doing just that over the past couple of days by being disciplined, health focused, and efficient with my time. I also got a hair cut today, and I am feeling very comfortable in my own skin.

I’d like to get a little more specific with how I am creating an internal comfort zone with who I am.


I had gotten really bad at pressing the snooze button. So bad, that my alarm going off was more of a warning that I was going to have to get up “soon,” but not immediately. I’d wake up to the “beep, beep, beep”, walk across the room to turn it off, and then go back to sleep for “5 more minutes.” It was never just 5 more minutes though, more like 30-40, and as a result I’d miss the work-out time I had scheduled for myself when I’d set my alarm the night before. So I’d get out of bed, angry at myself for being undisciplined, and for letting my asleep mind to squash decisions I had made when I was awake and alert.

I recently learned about something called an “effort muscle.” You use this muscle to make yourself do something that you don’t want to do. Like any muscle in your body, the effort muscle is something that can be strengthened. This week I have been working at strengthening that muscle to excellent results. On Sunday, my alarm went off at 7:00am, and I reluctantly got myself out of bed and coached myself through my morning routine. It was hard. My effort muscle was working full force. I stayed up until 1:00am Sunday night, so I set my alarm for 8:00am for Monday morning. That time it was a little bit easier to get out of bed. I heard the little voice tell me “5 more minutes,” but it was a little bit easier to ignore. My alarm was set for the same time this morning, and I had an even easier time getting out of bed. My alarm woke me out of a nice sleep, but I didn’t pout. I just rolled out of bed, put on my gym gear, through my hair into a pony tail, and walked to the kitchen to enjoy half an apple and a rice cake. 15 minutes later I was out the door and headed to the gym. Sleeping in past my alarm clock never makes me feel good, and it’s always incredibly hard to get out of bed when you have disappointed yourself before your day has even started. I’m going to keep practicing getting up at my alarm for the next couple of weeks. Eventually I won’t have to use my effort muscle at all, it will just be something I do naturally.

Other ways I have been supporting my self image (as a disciplined actor) are: Daily voice work (for the past 6 days), daily posts and maintenance of my blog (for the past 7 days), scheduling of my days (and following through on that schedule – for the past 4 days), limiting the amount of time I spend watching tv (today I haven’t turned on the tv once, and it’s 8:20pm). I have been getting so much accomplished lately. My days feel so rich and full. I can only imagine what will happen if I continue at the pace I’m operating at now. I just need to focus on staying positive.


I discovered a gym I have access to, through work, that offers studio classes, so for the last 2 days I have been attending those on top of my own cardio work. I like to think of myself as a fit individual, but because I’ve been sleeping in so often I haven’t felt in-tune with that identity. I do now. Saturday I did a 10k, Sunday I worked on my upper body, Monday I did some cardio on the stationary bike and did Pilates, and Tuesday (today) I ran a 5k and did a weight lifting class. I am definitely feeling fit, and this inner certainty gives me so much confidence.

I have also been excelling in my ability to manage what I eat. I wrote a post a little while back about eating due to boredom. I said to combat that I was going to write done everything I eat. I have been doing that, and to great results. I’ve found that I don’t need to eat as often, or as much as I thought I did. I have also virtually cut “snacking” out of my day. I’m at the point now where everything I eat is planned. For dinner today I had a nice salad, and 3 oreos for dessert (nicely placed on a plate). I did the same thing yesterday, but after I had finished the 3 oreos, I had to fight myself and my impulse to go back to the kitchen and have just one more cookie. I succeeded. Today I put 3 more oreos on my plate to eat after my salad, but this time my mind more readily accepted that this was all it was going to get. I did not experience any impulse to go back to the kitchen. I finished my oreos, and that was that. It feels so good to have such a handle on your body. I feel in control, and confident in who I am.

Right now I am operating as the best version of myself, and I am experiencing a remarkable amount of confidence because of it.

Do you feel badly because of something you’re neglecting in your daily routine? Coach yourself into performing that task, and you too will find that the more you do something, the easier it becomes.

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