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ALLOW, ALLOW, ALLOW, ALLOW!!! I just can’t say it enough. You need to allow the good things to come into your life. Over the last week, Greg and I have been discussing my irrational fear of other people, and how I seriously need to get over myself. Other people aren’t scary, and if I’m going to be an actor, I need to respect and believe in who I am as a person and as a creator. It goes both ways: if you don’t believe that you are worth talking to, other people won’t believe it either. In order to be successful, you need to allow good things to come into your life –sometimes this means facing your fears and being a little bit gutsy. If you’re going to go for it, go for it all the way.

I don’t want to get into too much detail regarding why today was so awesome (right now at least), but basically I faced my fear of speaking to people and attracted a ridiculous amount of amazing things into my life. Sitting in the food court before work, I didn’t think that things could get any better… but then I attracted a free Starbucks coffee (their debit machine was down, so they just gave it to me for free). When I finally got to work, I had so much fun… I just couldn’t seem to wipe this ridiculous smile off my face. I looked around my workplace, and felt with complete certainty the temporariness of my current situation. If I allow them to, I think things can change pretty quickly for me. Today, my eyes were really opened up to the amount of amazing people in my life who want to help me, and who want to see me do well. None of us are in this alone… and you also can’t do it alone.

Here’s a hint for what’s coming up: me with actor Lee Arenberg.

 I am so grateful to all of the people in my life who inspire me every day: Greg Melanson, Jill Morrison, Michael Coleman, Catherine Lough-Haggquist, Brad Dryborough, Craig March, Anna Mae Wills, Kelly-Ruth Mercier, Maryke Hendrikse, Peter Benson, Nicholas Carella, Alex Zahara, Dan Bacon, Adrian Petriw (who, except for Greg of course, are all the coaches at VAS), Katie Cooke, Charles Cooreman, Tristan Shire, Brian Doe, Dylan Playfair Jeremy Kulyk, Liam Peters, Teal Fiddler, Sam Ward, Rebecca Walsh, Aleisha Harrison, Andre Zverez (my classmates) and then Paul Bissonnette, Maria Bissonnette, Velma Caissie (my family). There are a multitude of other people who inspire me, but at this time in my life, these people specifically have helped me enormously. I hope that I can add to this list every day, and I hope that I can give back to these people who have done so much for me.

Who are you grateful for? I know I did a similar post recently, but this is important. You can set your goals, fine… but unless you open yourself up to the love of other people, you won’t get anywhere meaningful.

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