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On July.16 2012 Stephen Covey, the author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” died from complications after a biking accident. Stephen Covey is the inspiration behind this blog, and through his words I have grown so much as a person and contributor. I want to take this opportunity to remind you, and myself, how precious life is. Why waste a single second of your life doing anything other than what makes you happy. There is no reason to be afraid. Life is about taking risks, and seeing what you can do. How will you ever know your potential, if you don’t try. We all have the ability to be great, we just need to believe in ourselves.

Stephen Covey is an example of how high you can climb. I hope that I leave a legacy as inspirational as his is to me.

Click on the photo for Stephen Covey’s “Four Assumptions”

Right now, I am listening to a fantastic podcast by Kyle Cease about ignoring the “rules” that tell you, you can’t do something. I currently feel like I’ve created all these rules for myself and my career… but what would happen if I pretended like the rules didn’t even exist. What if I didn’t acknowledge that there were any obstacles to my getting what I want. Imagine the possibilities. Just imagine. I guarantee, that every person you admire, every role model, every mentor… they all imagined.

Thank you for being a role model to me Stephen Covey, and rest in peace.

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