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I originally had this long beautifully written post for you, but I just lost it when I attempted to publish it all. So instead… while I attempt to regain my composure, I’m going to quickly tell you about how I was inspired at the Cold Reading Series last night.

First off, the caliber of talent that I witnessed on the stage was incredible. The acting, the writing, and the musical guest were just fantastic. I was particularly impressed with Jeff Collins (the musical guest), and here’s why:

When he sang, he got his entire body into it. I mean, I don’t know much about music – but that type of thing seems like it would take up three different parts of your brain. Ever try to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time before? Well this guy was keeping an audible beat with his right foot, going crazy with the guitar (picking with one hand and strumming with another), and then also singing. If I’m not mistaken, that’s executing four different things simultaneously. Impressive for sure. It got me thinking about potential, and the amazing things we can train ourselves to do. People express themselves in all sorts of different ways, and I have so much respect for all of these different mediums, and the dedication and hard work it takes to be truly great in any of them.

I’m going to rewrite the post I already wrote tomorrow for you, as it’s getting too late to try and do it now, and maybe I’ll even do a double post tomorrow. Who knows. All I know is life’s too short to get upset about a computer glitch, and now that I’ve already written it, it should only take me half the time to rewrite it. Also, even if you don’t get the benefits of reading my thoughts, I’m still getting the benefit of spending some time alone with myself writing about my experience today. Writing is so cathartic, and it really helps me to clear my thoughts and put things in order. I really needed that me time at the end of today, and so I don’t really believe that any time was wasted.

How do you express yourself?

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