Over the last 3 days, I have been living in a cloud of positivity. I have never felt more certain of my up-and-coming success, and I have never been happier. Every time that I feel my mood beginning to shift, I take a moment to consciously remind myself of how much better it feels to feel good. Smiling has proven to be the perfect antidote to any suspicious looking self-talk (self-sabotage).
Yesterday I went on a fabulous shopping adventure with my friend Katie, and we purchased a beautiful wardrobe for the head shots that I had taken today. I wore a huge smile on my face for the entire bus ride home. As I sat on the bus, I imagined that I was living the life that it is my intention to live, and that everything that I want for myself was already true in the present.
Today was my photo shoot. I woke up early, at 6:30, and I did a quick 15 minute cardio interval workout followed by the P90X shoulders, biceps, and triceps workout. My body felt amazing as I ate my breakfast, gathered up my wardrobe, and headed out the door. Once I get a chance to view the footage, you can expect a more detailed post on the experience, and how I got the perfect shot (as I am putting it out into the universe that I have a photo that perfectly captures my essence).
I will share one thing. Throughout the photo shoot Shimon kept telling me to smile like I had a secret. Do you know what my secret was?
” I am a star!”
In the span of a week I have mentally traveled from a place of desperation and fear to a place of confidence and self-assurance. I am excited for what comes next.