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Sometimes things don’t go exactly as you’d planned. Unexpected events can try your patience and threaten to put you in a bad mood, and it can be tough to combat those negative emotions and put things in perspective. I was certainly tested today. When I was at work, I worked on and completed a lovely blog post for today – but as I typed the last word Microsoft Word froze, and I couldn’t get back on to retrieve my writing. When this happened I just breathed in and out, and said to myself “everything happens for a reason, I will be able to get my work tomorrow.” Then I smiled, and forgot about the incident. I didn’t want to let this small inconvenience have power over me, so I didn’t.

This evening I had made plans to go to see a play some of my friends from New Brunswick were putting on. I had the start time in my head as 9:45pm, but when I arrived at the door to the theatre I was told I was mistaken, and that the start time was actually 9:35… and I was 2 minutes late. I walked back towards the bus stop feeling frustrated and annoyed at myself. As I tried to bring up the Utopia poster on my phone, my iphone kept freezing and I felt like throwing it against the wall. I have been in such a state of bliss and allowing lately, that these negative emotions really stood out. I stopped what I was doing, and stood alone on a chunk of the sidewalk, and just allowed myself to breathe. Don’t be irrational, I told myself. Everything happens for a reason.

When things didn’t go Matilda’s way, she took control. How will you take control?

So what do you do when things don’t go your way?

Breathe. Just breathe. It seems so simple, but breathing helps you to put things in perspective. I practiced some deep breathing all the way home, and by the time I walked through the front door of my apartment, I felt much better. Still, disappointed, but acknowledging that although missing the show sucks, it’s not the end of the world. Very few things are the end of the world.

I believe that today was a test of sorts. I passed that test, because I was able to utilize the tools I’ve acquired to calm my mind and return my energy to a positive state within about 20 minutes. This is what I like to call “progress.”

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