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I am a big health junky, and once in a while I think I’d like to write this type of posts. Learning how to take control of your food is directly related to learning how to control your thinking. If you feel good about yourself, you’re going to eat better. However, there is something about the Holidays (perhaps all the Christmas parties and treat filled buffets) that makes exercising self-control especially difficult.

Over the last week I have been constantly surrounded with cakes, cookies, chocolates, and other sweets, and it has been difficult to ignore the cravings. I have found myself going back for seconds, thirds, and fourths… promising myself that I would work it off later on the treadmill. So, what do you do to keep your hand from becoming the cookie jar’s best friend this holiday season?

Well, I am an avid listener of the Jillian Michael’s Show, and a while back she did a podcast on dealing with cravings. I loved her tips, so I thought that I’d take this opportunity to share them with all of you (This is from episode 76).


Here are Jillian Michael’s tricks for surviving your cravings without destroying your diet:

  1.  Start with snacks that are time consuming to eat – fruit with a peel or nuts with shells are a great option. Fruit is a great option, because it will give you the sugar rush you’re looking for.
  2. If the above doesn’t work and you still want that cookie, put it on a plate. This way you can enjoy and acknowledge what you’re eating, and think of it as an actual meal. By doing this, you’ll avoid mindlessly snacking with every walk through the kitchen.
  3. Engage yourself in a dialogue. Ask yourself questions like:”Do you really want this?” “How are you going to feel if you eat this?”
  4. If you are in a snacking mood (but in general, I think this is a good rule), don’t eat in front of the television, or when listening to music. Sit down and enjoy your food in a non-distracting environment.
  5. After you’ve snacked, brush your teeth and wait 15 minutes. When the time is up, your craving should have crept away (back to wherever it hides).
  6. Try not to keep large quantities of your favourite treats in the house. You can’t eat what’s not there.

In closing – Remember that despite how you may feel in any given moment, you are in control of your life. So take responsibility for who you are, and do something amazing. You may surprise yourself with the strength you didn’t realize you had.

Take it one day at a time. The results you want may not happen immediately, but eventually they will show up – I promise you.

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