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Starting this week I’m going to be starting a weekly check in. I got the idea from Sarahphina’s blog Rosettes and Revolution. She is also going through the artist’s way, and is blogging about her progress. She’s got a funny and engaging voice that is super entertaining to read. She also brings a remarkable sincerity to her writing that is very refreshing, and makes you feel like she’s invited you into her home, and that you’ve known her your entire life. Can you tell that I’m a fan?

Anyway, Here is my first weekly check-in. Better late than never, right?

How many days this week did you do your morning pages? Are you starting to like them – at all? How was the experience for you?

These have really started to get out of hand for me. I started out strong, but then I got into the bad habit of staying up late and sleeping in so that I ended up either rushing through them before leaving the house, or attempting to do them on-the-go. Both of these are bad! I’ve been cheating myself out of something that has the potential to be exceedingly valuable. What it boils down to is that I haven’t been making these a priority. This needs to change. Tonight I am committing to getting to bed at a reasonable time, and getting up at a time that will allow me to write all 3 pages without rushing. I deserve this!!

Did you do your artist date this week? Have you had the experience of hearing answers during this leisure time? What did you do for your date? How did it feel? Have you taken an artist date yet that really felt adventurous?

This was by far my best artist’s date yet. I went to a movie in a theatre all by myself, and had some paradigm-shifting realizations on my way home. You can read all about it by clicking here.  I thought that it was adventurous, but maybe I will do something slightly more physical for my artist’s date this week.

Did you experience any synchronicity this week? What was it?

From what I understand, synchronicity has to do with coincidences. I’m not sure if this is exactly right, but the other day I was getting ready to go to school and was deciding whether or not to take a book I’m reading to school with me (“Theatre of the Absurd” by Martin Esslin). I decided not to, and as I was putting it down on my desk it fell open to a page in the middle of the book. I looked down and my eyes fell upon a passage that was about how letting go and allowing for spontaneity  was the key to creativity. Letting go is exactly what I have been struggling with lately, so this passage could not have fallen onto my eyes at a better time.

Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? Describe them.

After my artist’s date my mood has been all over the place. I was the highest (on life) that I have ever felt that night, and the following days were met with mood swings like I’ve never experienced before. Discouragement and anger (I got so angry at one point that I punched a dresser), but also happiness. What is going on? I think that all these crazy emotions probably have something to do with my huge paradigm shift on Tuesday. It’s all part of the process, and I just have to think of it in this way. I’m stretching myself to uncomfortable lengths, so of course I’m going to snap back occasionally. That’s okay though, the stretching has already taken place. I just need to breathe, smile, and recognize that everything is good, and that my life is going in exactly the direction that I want it to.

On to Week 6: Rediscovering a Sense of Abundance.

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Lindsay Edmunds

At first I misread the line “I got so angry at one point that I punched a dresser” as “I got so angry at one point that I punched a dessert.” Thank you for the laugh!

No, thank YOU. Reading this comment made me laugh out loud. We both got a good laugh out of this one.


Thank you so much for the shout-out, sister! That moment with your Theatre of the Absurd book was ABSOLUTELY a moment of synchronicity! I think that synchronicity has a lot to do with awareness. Maybe or maybe not the book falling open was a divine sign from the universe. Julia would say “yes,” but I’m a skeptic so it’s harder for me to get on board with that. STILL, it is your increased awareness that let you find a message in what could have been just a book falling open. Because you’re more in-tune with yourself and know what you need to look for to make yourself happy. That’s synchronicity–and magic–to me.

You have a beautiful blog here. It’s a pleasure to visit!

Thank you for checking out my blog! And no problem, I really am a huge fan of your blog. Maybe our paths will cross at some point during our lives. We really do have a lot in common. You’re right about the “increased awareness” thing. I think that’s exactly what “The Artist’s Way” is teaching me. It’s helping me to get out my head, and to appreciate what is going on around me.


I think that it is a great idea to do the check-in online! I know that I’ve basically started this week, but that makes it that much easier to start! I look forward to checking out Rosette’s blog too! BTW, My friend was doing me a favor in setting up my blog as My blog is officially (so you know who this is!) Thanks for introducing me to a community of people who are doing this project!

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