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I officially graduated from Vancouver Acting School yesterday. Our final performances almost went off without a hitch (there are always hic-ups, you can’t really avoid that) and we received our fancy certificate/diplomas at the end of the night. What a journey it has been.

Now that it’s over, I could take a couple of days to recover… or I could do some goal setting. That’s the dilemma I faced today, and I ended up doing the latter. I’ve talked about my weekly planner before, but today I took the time to format my weekly planner in a google document that anyone can use. I get A LOT out of using this. Click on the link “My Weekly Planner Template” to be directed to the google doc. I’ve included detailed comments on how to use it. I’ve also included an example of what my weekly planner looks like. After I’ve filled mine out, I print it out, and carry it around with me wherever I go.

Give it a try, and let me know what you think:

My weekly Planner Template

Christine’s Weekly Planner April 21-27 (This is an example of how to fill yours out).
I originally got the outline for the planner from Stephen Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” but since then I’ve included several things that I think are missing from the original outline – mainly a place to list your monthly goals. This helps me to stay on track.

With all that in mind, here are my goals for May:

My Goals for the Month of May

  1. Sign with an Agency in Vancouver (hopefully this is done in the week before May)
  2. Book my first professional role
  3. Pay off my credit card
  4. Write the 2nd draft of my one-act play
  5. Start a new part-time job (perhaps as a barista)
  6. Develop a strong presence on twitter

What are your goals for May?

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