
Have you ever stopped to consider your definition of reality? What in your opinion is realistic for you? I can tell you one thing, a year ago a 1/2 marathon was not even on my radar as being possible for me. Even when I signed up for it, I sort of thought that I was a little bit out of my mind. I remember my very first distance run in my training schedule. I did a 10k and returned home feeling a little bit discouraged. How on earth was I going to be able to run two 10ks back to back, when one felt like a lot. I doubted my ability to grow. I even doubted the process. Even though I made sure that I went on my distance runs every week, I doubted the impact that they were making in my endurance and leg strength.

Have you ever doubted your own ability to change?
Have you ever doubted your ability to

  • lose weight
  • learn a new skill
  • succeed at your goal
  • get a job
  • heal from an illness

Does any of this resonate with you?

Now that I have completed a half marathon, my definition of what’s possible for me has definitely stretched. I’m actually looking for an opportunity to run a second one. Perhaps the scotiabank half marathon at the end of June? My point is that while a year ago I didn’t think i was capable of running a half, now that I’ve done it – it almost seems easy. Our “realities” are malleable, and you are the one who holds the clay.

I am nearing the close of week 9 of “the Artist’s Way” and so far this experience has affirmed (I’m not even going to say re-affirmed – because I don’t think this knowledge was there before) my ability to change. I have learned so much about myself during this process, and as I near the end of this journey I can honestly say that I have so much more respect for myself as an artist and as a person. I am taking bigger risks, and I am jumping on opportunities. I have learned how to live and the moment, and best of all I have learned (well, I’m still learning this one) how to be happy.

This week Julia Cameron has assigned a momentous task: read your morning pages. As I sit down with my thoughts (literally) I have my entire journey floating through my head. It’s been a ride, and I still have 3 weeks left.

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[…] Doubt… yeah […]

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