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Upon reading this, there is the trap some of you will fall into. Just because these two events are free does not mean that they are not valuable. They are both EXCEEDINGLY valuable, and today you have attracted these opportunities into your life. So take advantage of the generosity of both these organizations, and read on. 

A friend of mine directed my attention towards this event, and I’m very excited that she did! If you’re not exited, that’s probably because you haven’t heard about it yet… so allow me:

The Hay House World Summit

June 1 -10

This summit is all about improving yourself, and learning how to live your best life. The summit is going to cover a crazy range of topics from harnessing the law of attraction, to communicating with the dead, to eating a vegan diet. All over the map. There will be something there for every one.

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By registering for the Hay House World Summit, you get FREE access to

“ more than 100 hours of enriching and life-changing conversations with… world-renowned experts and tomorrow’s rising stars.”

These are NEVER-BEFORE SEEN INTERVIEWS , and they are all FREE as streaming audio.

There are 110 interviews over the 10 days, so TONS of topics to choose from. Here are some that stuck out to me:

Louise Hay“The Woman who Started it all”

Esther Hicks“The Evolution of the Law of Attraction”

Jack Canfield “Discussing Success”

Kris Carr “Embracing a Plant Empowered Lifestyle”

Charles Linden “Overcoming Anxiety and Stress”

Michael Bernard Beckwith “Life Visioning: A proven Technology for Discovering, Activating, and Evolving Your Deepest Self”

Noah St. John“Afformations: Giving yourself Permission to Succeed”

Sarah DeAnna “Unleashing Your Super Model Power”

Dr. Wayne Dwyer “I can see Clearly Now”

Gregg Barden“Who am I? Who are we?: What Science tells us about ourselves and our World in Crisis”

Joe Dispenza“Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself”

Joe Vitale -“The 7 Keys to Prosperity and Abundance”

Kate Somerville  – “Complexion Perfection: Your Guide to you Skin”

Deepak Chopra “Who am I? Breaking Free from the Conditioned Mind”

Tara Stiles “How to Follow your Intuition through Yoga and Win with Ease”

To register for the summit, click here.

I am going to be tuning in to all of the interviews above (and hopefully some additional ones), and will be providing detailed notes and take-aways for each of the talks at a later date. So stay tuned for that if you can’t watch the interviews yourself (because after their airing date they will be charging for this valuable information).


Speaking of FREE events. Here’s another:

Whitney of Grounded Nutrition is offering a

FREE 10 Day Vibrant Living Cleanse

The cleanse will start June 3rd.

Grounded Nutrition

When you sign up you also receive:

  •  10 Day Vibrant Living Cleanse Guidelines
  • Free ‘Kick Start to Vibrancy’ eBook
  • Daily email’s with whole food, raw food, smoothie and juice recipes, video training, health and wellness tips, personal growth tools and healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Access to a private facebook support group where my team will be live on a daily basis to answer any questions that may come up. Also, join in the conversation to inspire and be inspired by other cleanse participants.
  • A chance to win more e-books and other Grounded Nutrition prizes!

To find out more about this event, click here!

I’ve signed up for both of these events, and I’m super excited. I will write a post about my experience after both events are done.

I hope that you’ll join me.

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