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Week 9 of the Artist’s way is complete. Here is the wrap up.

How many days this week did you do your morning pages? Regarding you U-turns, have you allowed yourself a shift towards compassion, at least on the page?

I’ve been really bad with morning pages… REALLY bad – but I’m getting back on track and have written good long and juicy pages these past 2 days. I’ve just been in this weird phase where I feel like I don’t have time to write them. I know that I need to get my priorities and check and realize that if I have 15 minutes to go on facebook then I have 15 minutes to write those pages. I promise that I will be better moving forward.

Now, in regards to creative U-turns – Julia Cameron defines these as instances where you take two steps back after a success. This week she asked that you identify such moments in your life.

I’m not going to name all of the times that I’ve done this, but I do want to say that since recognizing that this is a habit for me I have become much more aware of moving through my fears. This has resulted in so many good things. I still need to work on showing myself more compassion though. Reading my morning pages have shown me that I don’t deal kindly with myself when I’ve made mistakes. This needs to change obviously.

Did you do your artist date this week? Have you kept the emphasis on fun? What did you do? How did it feel?

Yes! This week I booked a ½ hour singing lesson, and it was so much fun! I’ve decided to continue going to her once a week. I’ve already taken the initiative to work it into my budget. Since the lesson, I’ve actually been practicing the exercises she assigned me every day for at least 30 minutes (I’ve now practiced 3 days in a row). Singing is something that I’ve ALWAYS wanted to learn how to do, but I’ve been afraid. This artist’s date was about breaking through my fears and just going for it. Boy did I go for it :).

Did you experience any synchronicity this week? What was it?

I actually experienced some very strange synchronicity this week.  One of the assignments for week 9 is to read over your morning pages (gulp). If I’m being honest, I’m only about 1/3 of the way through mine so far, but I’m definitely noticing a trend/tendency. My favourite subjects to write about are:

1)      How tired I am

2)      How I don’t have enough time to accomplish everything that I want to get done.

3)      How I feel guilty for sleeping in or eating poorly.

4)      The mantra “I am deserving of success” and similar phrases. It seems like I’m constantly trying to convince myself that it’s okay to get what I want out of life. Constant.

5)      How I’m not satisfied with my part-time job at the club, and am looking for something else.

While all of this is very interesting, the synchronistic event that occurred is related to number 5. These morning pages are from way back in December. It’s now May and I’m still at the same job.  Well, we recently got a new manager at the club who has actually really turned things around. On Saturday I made the conscious decision to let go of the need to find another job, and to learn to be happy where I am. That night I got an e-mail from a job that I’d applied to almost 2 weeks ago. It’s a serving position at an organic café. I had been really excited about this job, but when I didn’t hear back from them I sort of gave up. How weird is it that one THE DAY that I released this need for a new job, I get this e-mail from a job that I think might actually be a lot of fun.

It’s actually pretty confusing, because the manager at the club just said he would train me as a sales rep. I’m sending off the detailed application they requested tonight, so who knows where it will lead. What I know for sure is that my standards have gone up, and I will not be switching jobs unless this new one is better pay and a better environment. It has to be perfect. I’m not settling.


Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? Describe them.

Mainly the realization that I have some trends in my morning pages. Moving forward staying present is definitely going to be on my radar as a priority. Also, I need to stop over scheduling myself and leaving room for play. In order to do this I’m really going to need to work on focusing my time.

And some news! I got a job as an editor this week!! I will be editing e-books for a company based in Victoria, BC. It’s all done by telecommuting so I can work from home. Unfortunately it doesn’t pay enough to be my only source of income, but it does pay quite a bit. I’m pretty excited about it. They are going to be e-mailing me my first assignment this week.

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