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My body feels heavy as I sit on my computer chair (that is actually a deck chair) and munch on some chocolate and nuts before going to bed. I have had an incredibly busy week. There have been some changes in regard to scheduling at my work, and as a result I have been saddled with 3 opening shifts at the gym. No big deal right? Wrong. The gym opens at 5am, and I have to be there for 4:45am. This means that I am getting out of bed at 3:45am. I don’t mean to complain, but it’s hard. This is made even harder by the fact that I’m rehearsing for a play from 7-10pm 4 nights a week, so I can’t even get to bed early. It’s really nice being done work at 1:15, but when my productivity wains because I am so consumed with fatigue… it’s just not cool.

This brings me to the topic I’d like to very briefly touch on in today’s post: sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice for comfort? What are you willing to sacrifice in order to continue playing it safe? There’s good sacrifice, and then there’s sacrifice that is rooted in fear.

Right now I am sacrificing my own well-being for a job that I don’t really love. When you dissect your situation, and try to step away from it, it sort of seems ridiculous that you would be so…I guess the word I’m looking for is ‘mean’ to yourself.

You teach others how to treat you, and right now I am letting this part-time job run my life to the detriment of all the other projects that I’m working on.

Today I challenge you to dissect your relationship with a person, an event, or a place that is draining you. Why are you maintaining this relationship? What do you get out of it?

I’ve been asking myself these questions for awhile now, and it’s becoming more and more clear to me that if I want my life to change, I’m going to have to start taking larger risks


What is the number one thing that you most commonly sacrifice?

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I ended a relationship recently…permanently. I had tried to end it before, but I didn’t understand some of what I needed to address about being in it. So yesterday, I finally said somethings I should have said a long time ago and I found some peace about it, even though it’s heartbreaking.

Good for you! That’s incredibly brave! I think relationships and our jobs are one of the biggest ways that we sacrifice. I mean, personally I definitely feel like I sacrifice my integrity towards myself every time I walk into my job as a receptionist. I am mistreating myself, because I am trading my time for a job that just gets me by. I heard a quote a while ago that I absolutely loved. Maybe this will resonate with you as well it was: “Ask not if you are worthy of this job/ opportunity/relationship (etc), ask if this job/opportunity/relationship is worthy of your life.

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