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It seems that I’m constantly adding a new habit to my daily routine… specifically my mornings and nights. My mornings are actually starting to get a little bit overly full and yet I continue to get suggestions for new things I should be doing.

As I’ve previously mentioned, I currently work for the yoga website My Yoga Online. Well, in the spirit of the holidays they are giving away a free practice guide: 12 Days of FREE Yoga, 12 Days of Gratitude. Basically all that you need to do is sign up for a free account and you get 12 free yoga practices that you can stream right off your computer (I stream them off my PS3). This is definitely promotional, but it’s also free… so there.

On that note, I’d like to share:

5 healthy habits that I’ve learned in 2013

(mostly from working in the editorial department for a yoga website)

1. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Every night before you go to sleep, write 3 things that you are grateful for from that day. At first you’ll of course come up with generic things like health, but eventually the exercise should help you to appreciate the blessings from the day in a more significant way.

“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.”
– Gilbert K. Chesterton

21-Day Challenge: The Happiness Advantage

2. Oil Pulling

This is a practice that I only recently learned, and I have been doing it for the last 2 weeks with great results. Here’s what you do: take about half a tablespoon of sesame or coconut oil and swirl it around in your mouth first thing the morning (before eating or drinking anything) for about twenty minutes.

It’s great for your teeth (‘m definitely noticing that my teeth or whiter), and it’s like a shot of espresso and a fantastic mouth wash in one. Here’s some articles about it:

Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil to Transform Your Dental Health

Coconut Oil Pulling Detox

3. Spend at least 3 minutes every day meditating/visualizing

Apparently 3 minutes on a consistent basis is all that you need to do to get the health benefits of this practice. The idea is to sit with your thoughts and quite your mind. If you’re looking for a great book to read about meditation, I’d recommend Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

4. Cold Showers

Maybe not 5 minute cold showers every day, but throwing in a cold shower once or twice a week is a good way to shake things up. When I’m feeling stuck in a rut, having a cold shower has, without fail, helped get me back on track.

30 Days of Cold Showers: Complete

5. Move Every Day

We are designed to move and yet, for the most part, we spend a large amount of time in our heads. Find an active hobby that you enjoy. It could be yoga, running, cycling, rock climbing, boxing, dancing. I mean the list goes on and on. I have a friend who goes for a walk after dinner every day. Now that’s a healthy habit I could learn from.

150 Activities/Hobbies to start or revisit when you’re bored

I wanted to fit reading in there too, but ran out of room. Is there a habit that you do everyday that you’re just gushing to tell someone about? Share it in the comments…

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