Today I Will Make Everyone Smile! - 9 Creative Lives


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Ever have one of those days when it’s really difficult to smile? Lately, I have mostly been on a fantastic high, but every once and awhile I can definitely get a little bit down. I’m sure that every single person reading this knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Here’s something that you probably already knew: smiling makes you feel happier. It all goes back to that “fake it til you make it” saying. Although it can sometimes feel like the hardest thing in the world to do,  a smile has the power to turn a terrible day into a good day… but only if you let it.

Well, today I came across this picture on Pinterest:

And what’s the best way to make someone else smile? By smiling yourself!

“In a study conducted in Sweden, people had difficulty frowning when they looked at other subjects who were smiling, and their muscles twitched into smiles all on their own.”

– quote taken from article: 15 Fascinating Facts About Smiling

This got me thinking: Although sometimes it feels good to feel bad sometimes (it sounds crazy, but it’s true isn’t it?), what if instead of half-heartedly trying to cheer yourself up by smiling, you tried to cheer someone else up by smiling?

When I’m feeling down, it’s because I have become wrapped up in myself and my own personal problems. Ever experience that heaviness? That feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you want to give up? It almost seems obvious that the perfect remedy for such an affliction would be to move outside of yourself and try to make someone else happy.

And one more thing…

Have you ever felt really angry at someone, and then they did something that made you laugh and you had to turn away to suppress the laugh because you wanted to still be mad at them? Next time, just give into the laughter. Maybe they’ll start laughing too.

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Meg Evans

I’ve found this to be true in my own experience. When I am feeling cranky but make an effort to speak cheerfully to my husband anyway, he’ll generally smile and respond with enthusiasm, and then it doesn’t take long for me to get cheered up just by seeing that he’s in such a good mood.


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“Be helpful. When you see someone without a smile, give them yours.”
-Zig Ziglar

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