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10 minute date

photo (4)This girl right here had a date with a playgirl model and acrobat for cirque de soleil!

Okay, fine… maybe I didn’t know it was a date. Okay, maybe he wouldn’t have called it a date either. I thought it was an opportunity to chat with a really interesting person. He thought of it as an opportunity to take me home after 10 minutes of getting to know me (hence him suddenly having to leave when I said “no.”)

Whatever! He still bought me a coffee! (Greg – my boyfriend – is cool with this by the way… he thinks it’s hilarious).

So, how did this come about?

Well, I was on my way to North Vancouver to meet a friend for coffee. I was in a very good mood. One of those moods where you’re just excited about life and everything feels sort of magical. I was leaning against the wall of the terminal both completely absorbed in my book and dreaming about the launch of my new website when this very attractive guy (PLAYGIRL MODEL!) came up to me.

On this day I was wearing a strange combination of clothing. I had on an aqua coloured t-shirt, a salmon button up sweater, and a bright yellow jacket. He asked me where I was from, and commented on my choice of outfit “It’s very interesting.” (I’m still not sure if that was a compliment or not). Greg’s nose wrinkled when he saw what I was wearing later that day, but maybe my fashion sense is just far superior to his own…

How does a playgirl model become a playgirl model?

He told me that he was originally from Cuba and that one day he was walking along the beach naked (he wasn’t subtle), when he noticed a woman sort of looking at him. Later that day he saw her again and she came up to him. She told him that she was a scout for playgirl, and asked him if he was interested in modelling for them. Within a week he was on a plane with her to a new life.

I LOVE this story! I have a lot of goals, and I have a tendency to plan my life months in advance to the detail. Allowing for spontaneity and for big change to happen all at once is something that I’m working on allowing into my life. I’m learning to stop discounting opportunities that I attract. I’m learning to stop saying things like “yeah, but that was easy,” or “yeah, but I only got that opportunity because I knew that actor, or director, or whatever.” I’m learning how to give myself some credit.

I’m also beginning to realize, and appreciate, that these opportunities will only appear to me when I’m feeling good. If I’m not open to seeing them, I won’t see them. If I’m not open to change, I won’t change.

Why did you talk to me?

Usually I’m a pretty quiet person. I’m not usually upfront about what I’m thinking or feeling (in person), but on this day I was feeling a little bit brave. So I asked this playgirl model: “Besides my outfit, what made you want to talk to me?” His answer: “I’m always really aware of people’s energies, and there was something about your energy that really attracted me to you.”

People don’t usually talk about energy, but he did. Interesting. How cool is it that maybe on this day my vibration was up there with cirque to soleil. How cool to think that maybe I was vibrating at a frequency that made me attractive to him even though I was leaning against a wall reading a book. Yeah, he was probably thinking about “vibration” in a different way, but who cares!

A week later we met for our 10 minute coffee. Looking back I have to laugh at the whole experience. It was a random encounter, and despite his intentions I actually learned a lot. 


*The title for this blog entry came out of my mouth while drinking with some friends. I believe it was followed by a high five.

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