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New Room Before

I’m surrounded by books, pictures and shelves that need to be put up, clothes that need a dresser, and makeup that needs a table. Right now, my new room is pretty close to the definition of chaos, and sharing this picture makes me feel incredibly vulnerable… but I’m sharing it because I want to document everything. My life is in transition right now, and I want anyone else out there who is also transitioning to know that it is okay for this period of your life to be chaotically crazy and not entirely put together. 

I want and aspire to be in control all the time, but that’s not how life works. To live a fulfilling and exciting life, I think you have to let go every once and awhile and find the strength to simply breathe through the crazy. I’ve been taking a lot of deep breaths over the last few weeks. Trust me, even though sometimes that deep breath will hit a pocket of emotion and before you know it you’re sobbing in front of the sauce pan… it helps.

As for me (as if that last example wasn’t about my own experience…), I feel like I am finally nearing the end of the most difficult part of this transition. I’ve moved in to my new place, new furniture for my room is coming in a week, and I’m getting my hair cut on Tuesday. Despite the chaos, I haven’t stopped smiling because (if there’s one thing writing this blog has taught me it’s this) I know that it’s possible to rebuild your identity and readjust who you think you are. I’ve done it countless times over the last several years and survived… no I’ve thrived. I will thrive this time too.

New Room Before

This picture makes my room look a little smaller than it actually is. There’s actually a good amount of length to the room, and a nice closet that is big enough to fit a dresser (which is exactly what I’m going to do). I’m going to be painting, organizing, and magicking this place up (with a little bit of faerie dust) over the next couple of weeks. I’m sharing this photo with the intention of sharing an after photo once everything is put together. It’s going to be AWESOME!

One more thing: I’m excited! This room, despite its current state, is mine, and I can’t wait to start turning it into my own little sanctuary.

Any advice on magicking up a bedroom? I’ve been browsing through Pinterest, but if you’ve got a handy dandy organizational technique, I’d love to hear it!

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