Win a Mala From Mala Collective - 9 Creative Lives


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Screen Shot 2015-07-09 at 11.57.56 AMI’m afraid of moving forward. Are you?

Sometimes I feel like I’m doing nothing but swat at opportunity. Other times I feel like everything I’ve ever written on this blog is wrong. It’s been one of those discouraging days. Distraction feels warm and comforting on days like this.

I think my phone might be one of my greatest enemies. It cuts me off from life. What am I saying ‘no’ to every time I say ‘yes’ to basking in a ‘like’?

I think I’m saying no to bad dancing in my kitchen. I’m saying no to synchronistic connections on beaches and at bus stops. I’m saying no to joy, presence, and inspiration.

Last year I read a fabulous book by Steven Kotler called “The Rise of Superman.” It was about flow states. At the end of the book he says “life is long and we’re all scared, and, in flow, at least for a little while, we’re not. ” Flow happens when you’re in the zone. Getting to that space can only happen with focus – an undistracted vision of where you want to go.

Every time I look at my phone, I believe that I am throwing a wrench of distrust into that vision.

Before sharing the contest with you, I’d like to first share my last intention post with Mala Collective.

My Intention-Coloured Glasses: A Mala Story

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 The Contest

Screen Shot 2015-07-11 at 11.01.24 PMIn partnership with Mala Collective, I’m giving away one of their mala’s valued at $72 or less.

How do you enter?

I want you to think about your own distractions. What’s distracting you from the present? What’s distracting you from love? What’s distracting you from creativity? What’s distracting you from desire or risk?

Once you have it, take a browse through Mala Collective’s inventory and choose the mala that most closely resonates with the alleviation of that distraction.

My greatest distraction is my phone, and to help alleviate that distraction I found some support from their ‘beach babe’ mala.

For a chance to win a mala of your own, in the comments below share the mala that would support the alleviation of your distraction and why. 

I will be taking all entries and putting them in a hat. The winner will be chosen at random.

I’ll put your entry in a second time if you also share your answer on twitter with the hashtag #maladistracted. And make sure to tag me @CMBissonnette.

You have until July 15th to enter

** because I haven’t been great at advertising this contest, I’m elongating it until Monday, July 20th!

Good luck!!

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Nicki Robertson

I chose the “Release” bracelet. In my years of life, I have always been there for everyone. Loved them, listened to them, and provided any kind of support I could. In a way, that has been a big distraction for me. While I will always be that nurturing person and that it won’t leave me, I feel it’s really time to put me first. I know that by doing that it doesn’t mean I don’t love anyone else any less or that I wouldn’t be there at the drop of a hat. I just need to do me and not be scared to do that.
I chose the “Release” bracelet because it’s a symbol for me. That I need to release it all, breathe and focus on the present moment and find where “Nicki” is.

Jeff Todd

I’m gonna have to go with the “Patience – Let Go” bracelet haha. I’ve been having this fear lately that being vulnerable and open just isn’t working. At least not as fast as I’d like it to. Rejection is hard, and my job offers up a lot of it. I have big dreams for both my creative/career endeavors, as well as for love in my life, but my incredibly overactive/overanalytical imagination has been telling me to give up on these things if they don’t show some momentum pretty quick. It’s been a pretty debilitating distraction, but this idea of patience, of open-heartedness, trusting in myself and being open to what life has in store for me, is definitely a new focus that I’m going to be putting a lot more energy into.


i like the surf mala and feel that it has a lot of properties because of the combination of gemstones put together . It may help me feel good when I feel stressed or anxious and I need to focus on the bigger picture and not so much small things in life . Make bigger goals for myself .
Thanks , intl .

Tara Forler

I’ve chosen the “love” mala bracelet. I deal with a rare disease and a lot of chronic pain and sometimes it’s difficult to see myself the way others do. So I chose “love” because I need to start loving myself more 🙂

Melissa Bowles

I have a major distraction that is of my own creation! My lack of self belief distracts me from everything that is personal and professional growth. I admit, sometimes I get comfortable in it. The first step is awareness, of course. Then I step in to the fight against feelings of insignificance and other delights with what I like to call, my inner Yogi. The choice is mine as to which voice is louder and stronger, this is when help in any form is a blessing.
When I read the description for the “Trust-Let go” Mala bracelet, it actually brought tears to my eyes…then the gemstone description sealed the deal. It could be a reminder to stay connected to my inner power and trust that I am exactly where I need to be. I was absolutely drawn to this one like a magnet, from first sight. Trusting myself, surrendering, and letting go sounds like a brilliant start to truly believing in myself today; for the person I know I can become tomorrow.

Julie Lynn

I resonated most deeply with the “I AM CENTERED” mala. To me, “being centered” means being present, feeling my body and breathing deeply. When I do those things I find myself connected to my truth – emotional, physical, and spiritual, and my power to effect the moment. Centeredness to me means I am available to the moment, to others in the moment, while also being true to myself within. As an actress, I find a mental nervous energy can inhibit my feeling of being centered, which distracts my ability to serve my character and by virtue, my audience. It also distracts me when I’m connecting with others, and suddenly instead of being truly present and compassionately connected, I am exploring a private mental experience instead of sharing my truth authentically. Being centered. In my power. Effective. Open. Available. Whole.

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