Metaphor and Renewal Series

Each week includes an invitation to practice writing new, imaginative metaphors that enliven your way of seeing the world.

Week 1: ‘The World has Changed’

Take stock of where you are and how you’ve moved though the changing landscape of your life, and then… write a poem.

(Inspired by the poem ‘The World has Changed’ by Alice Walker).

Week 2: Longing

“Longing, we say, because desire is full of endless distances.” – Robert Hass, Meditation at Lagunitas

What endless distances do you look upon with longing? Explore and reimagine your relationship to those destinations that feel beyond your grasp or ability, and then… write a poem.

Week 3: Fear & Doubt

“Fear and joy come from our centre.” – Claude Kipnis, The Mime Book

When fear or doubt arrives, what happens next? Consider your relationship to the sensations, thoughts, and imagery which accompany their arrival and departure, and then… write poem.

Week 4: Awareness

“From a morning with expectations a surprise, a word unanticipated and meant.” – Vievee Francis, A Small Poem

Let’s revisit a memory where awareness slowed down the tempo of a moment. Relish, examine, and explore that experience and then… write a poem.

Week 5: Confidence & Belief

“Poets, I think, are simply magicians without quick wrists.” – Gwendolyn MacEwan, Julian the Magician

When your body and imagination finally demand the nourishment of your belief, how do you give yourself what you need? Reflect on your experience and then… write a poem to return to as needed in the year ahead.