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I’ve had the weirdest weekend. I feel as though the universe is trying to tell me something, and that something is “making money is easy.” Twice over the last two days I have been walking along and run into money. Both times I got a weird impulse to look down, and both times when, when I did, there was money on the ground in front of me. The first time, it was a $20 bill, and the second time it was a $5 bill. No one around, the money was just sitting there. I felt guilty when I picked up the 20, but what was I going to do? Go door to door asking if someone had dropped some money (I actually had this though). The fact that this happened twice in the span of two days, makes me think that this was a sign. It’s a sign that there is more money coming my way, and I truly believe this.

I started work on the format for my e-book today. The book is going to be about finding your voice. If any of you have any suggestions for the book, I would love to hear them. My boyfriend is the person who actually came up with the idea for the e-book, and the second he said it the idea just clicked. I think writing a book would be so exciting, and I’m super excited to get to work on it. I will keep you updated on the progress.

So, at the end of this week I promised myself that I would come up with a first draft of a mission statement, and here it is:

“As a mindful, brave, health conscious, and silly individual, I grow and improve by 1% everyday. I always work hard and dream big. I love, trust, and laugh with the many supportive people in my life, and I am always excited to make new connections with like-minded individuals. I am capable of greatness, and I am attracting amazing things into my life.”

It’s important that your mission statement reflects the values through which you want to live your life, rather than a specific goal. If you missed my post on the difference between goals and values, click here to read it. I also made sure to write my mission statement in the present tense. If you write something in future tense, it will always be in future tense. You want to trick your mind into believing that what you want is real right now, then you’re body has to figure out a way to get to the point where your mind says it already is – and it will find away. Anyway, that’s all I have time for today. Thank you for reading.


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