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Today I truly experienced being in the moment in scene study. It was incredible, and I still feel slightly high/elated from the experience. The high I’m on right now, is exactly why I want to be an actor. I don’t know if I can properly express the rush, when you’re brain stops thinking and you start reacting from your gut – but not your own gut, the gut of someone else. I said to my scene partner, if I were to encounter Jodi (the character that I’m playing) in real life, she would walk all over me… and yet, somehow I’m able to channel her. Although our values may be against certain things, like killing, cheating, manipulating, stealing, etc – as an actor you must recognize that you are capable of doing these things. It’s a scary place to go, but it is so freeing. I don’t know if I am properly expressing myself. I’m not saying I want to do any of those things. I’m saying that it is a fascinating process to get into the head of the sort of person who would. Human psychology is amazing.

I am so hungry for knowledge, and I am so hungry for new experiences. What today taught me, is that I can’t achieve my dreams alone. A scene has two people in it. And just like I needed my scene partner, in order to come alive as Jodi. I also need other people in order to come alive as Christine. I can not reach my full potential without other people. Pushing people away, and crawling inside my box of fear and resentment will not get me anywhere. No one can do it alone. I am entering into a highly collaborative industry. The only way that I will ever thrive, is if I allow myself to love myself and others, and also to be loved back. I need to allow myself to be inspired, as I was today, by the work of my peers. I need to develop a strong sense of empathy, and compassion.

Today, I very much focused on work, but today I focused very much on my relationships with others. I gave myself permission to laugh, and be silly. The result was so rewarding. I love being happy.

Okay, so what did my day look like today

7:20- out of bed (slept in – oops)

7:20-8:30 got ready for school. Ate breakfast, and packed my lunch.

8:30-9:05: Commute to school

9:05-10:00 rehearsing scene for scene study

10:00-12:00: scene study class

12:00-1:00pm: lunch

1:00-3:30: part II of Scene Study

3:00-5:00: amazing conversation with one of my classmates/scene study partner

5:00-5:30. Gone to the library

5:30-6:00: returned books, recorded some information from one of the books I was returning, printed some stuff.

6:00-:630: commute home (walked – it was a beautiful day). Called home, and spoke to my mom and sister.

6:30-6:45 some quick grocery shopping

6:45-7:30: made dinner (spaghetti), ate, and chatted with roommate and boyfriend.

7:30-9:20 worked on my script (some youtube and facebook thrown in there as well). Got 3 pages written.

9:20-9:50: Did some voice over work.

9:50-10:20: started writing this blog entry.

10:20-11:00 on my way to the theatre to see the new Spiderman movie with my boyfriend.

11:00-1:30: watching the movie

1:30-1:50: walking home and discussing the movie.

1:50- 2:10: (now) finishing this blog post, so that I can got to bed.

I still feel as though I spent the majority of my time in quadrant II. Spending time with the people you love and respect is always a quadrant II activity. Wouldn’t you agree?

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