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As promised, I would like to talk a little bit about creating mind-maps for your goals and aspirations. I read a fantastic book, which I’ve referred to several times, called the Ultimate Book Of Mind Maps (the following picture example is from this book). The theory presented by this book is that the brain operates on two principles: synergy and repetition.

SYNERGY refers to the interaction/co-operation of two or more components.” Sometimes we can get so stuck in a specific way of thinking, or a specific way of seeing the world. These are called paradigms (click here to see examples of my own paradigms). It is through synergy that these paradigms are created. We believe a certain thing, and then every time an event occurs which supports this belief in any way, we log it as proof. Our brain is constantly attempting to make connections  between the things we encounter in our day-to-day life, and this consequently creates our world view. Synergize” is actually habit 6 in Steven Covey’s book (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change).  The goal of this habit is to learn how to communicate in a synergistic way by “opening your mind and heart and expressions to new possibilities, new alternatives, new options.” By creating a mind-map you are stretching your mind to explore possibilities which your paradigms hadn’t allowed you to previously entertain.

REPETITION is all about repeating a behavior over and over again until it becomes a habit. We really are what we think about, and if you continuously think negative thoughts then only negative things will come to you. Learning how to change your patterns of thinking is a critical part of creating the life which you desire.

“Every thought you think is unique to you, and it fits a network of other thoughts and associations that has never existed before and will never exist again, except in your own brain. Your thought then multiples into the vast Internet (your physical experience) and internal super-Mind Map of your growing memories, fantasies, attitudes, and dreams. You are entirely and infinitely unique. “

“Because of the brain principles of synergy and repetition, our brains can be both infinitely creative and infinitely destructive! The power to use your brain positively and to the greatest effect lies in your hands.”

Okay, so I have posted an example of a mind-map (provided from the book) above. By creating mind, you are basically showing your brain how to think. You can use a mind-map to map out a goal for yourself, and by sitting down and breaking down your goal into very specific components your goal will seem more manageable. “Oh, this is how I can get from point A to point B.” All of a sudden you don’t feel so lost.

Creativity is the key to your mental success, both in terms of coming up with startling and original ideas, and in terms of memorizing whatever you want. Your brain is naturally creative and you need only to provide it with the right environment to unlock its full creative potential. Nurture every opportunity you have to be creative, always try to be flexibly and to get away from the norm – believe that your ideas, like your brain, are truly exceptional – and remember that Mind Maps are your greatest ally when it comes to releasing your genius within.

When creating your mind map, the author stresses that you use color, curved vs straight lines, and pictures. You want both sides of your brain to be activated, and so you want to create every opportunity for your brain to latch on to the connections that you’re creating. You’re also going to want to use as few words as possible (preferably one) to represent each connection. I like the idea of doing a mind-map for your future.

To Create means to bring into existence something new, fresh, and original – to give rise to, to establish an association that has never been established before.”

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