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I have a desk at home, but sometimes I like to get out of the house when I have a lot of work to do. My favourite place to go is the Blenz coffee shop across the street. I work more efficiently when I’m there. If I know that I have a lot to do, I go somewhere that will get me into work-mode, and where I won’t be tempted by distractions. I’m there until I’m finished and that’s it. If you have goals and habits that you’re trying to integrate into your life, having a location that will get you into the right headspace to follow through on that habit forming behaviour is important. This way you don’t actually have to commit to doing the work, you just have to commit to getting to the location and the rest will follow. This applies to so many things. Want to get in shape, commit to just “going” to the gym 3 days a week and you’ll probably end up working out.

This is on my mind, because in week 4 of the Artist’s way, Julia wants you to create a special space for yourself. Meditation is something I’ve wanted to incorporate into my routine for awhile now, but I never seem to be able to find the time. I think part of the problem is I didn’t have a specific space to go to do it. Now I have one.

I started with an empty space. This was difficult to find. My laundry basket used to be here.
I started with an empty space. This was difficult to find. My laundry basket used to be here.
Here is what I came up with. I also want to illustrate and put up a copy of the basic principles, and then a copy of the artist’s prayer that I wrote. Doesn’t this make you feel like meditating.
On the picture of the dancer, I wrote an affirmation I came up with while writing my morning pages in white pastel. I plan to litter this picture with affirmations, using different coloured pastels. It’s going to look awesome.
This is a vision board I did for my voice several months ago. I got the idea from Kristen Linklater's book "Freeing the Natural voice." The picture features illustrations that represent where my voice is now, and where I want it to be. I also plan to do my voice work in this spot, so I thought it was fitting to put it there.
This is a vision board I did for my voice several months ago. I got the idea from Kristen Linklater’s book “Freeing the Natural voice.” The picture features illustrations that represent where my voice is now, and where I want it to be. I also plan to do my voice work in this spot, so I thought it was fitting to put it there.

Try something like this for yourself. I’ll update you on how having a specific place to meditate helps me with integrating this habit into my routine.

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