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I came across a sort of incredible idea/website that I would love to share with you. The name of the website:

Here’s the idea. Every day record one second of something memorable that happened to you. It could be anything, big or small. You could record one second of a coffee date with a friend, of following through on a habit that you’ve been trying to incorporate into your life, of your sweaty self after an intense workout. Record anything that you would consider a success. Anything that you want to remember. At the end of one week you’ll have a 7 second video, and after one year you’ll have a 6 minute video. Can you imagine what would happen if you committed to recording one second every day for the rest of your life. People are always talking about how time flies by, and that’s partially because we don’t remember how we spent our days. Sometimes it may seem as though everything were blending together. I can only imagine how participating in an experiment like this would motivate you moving forward. You would want to have something of value to record, so you would be less likely to waste a day.

If you’re interested in learning more, I have few resources for you to check out.
First. The idea was created by Cesar Kuriyama.

Check out his TED talk where he speaks about the idea:

Click on the photo to watch Cesar's TED talk
Click on the photo to watch Cesar’s TED talk


He also has two websites to peruse at your leisure:

I first learned about Cesar by listening to a podcast by fellow Canadian Dean Dwyer. The podcast is called “The Lifestyle Hacking Show”, and it was the best kind of luck that led me to stumble upon the show. Each episode features an interview with someone who is living their lifestyle fantasy – someone who is totally and completely living their purpose, and is enjoying significant success at the same time. I tune in every week, and re-listen to the episodes frequently. I listened to this podcast while on my run two days ago, and it has gotten me really excited. I definitely encourage you to take a listen.

Click on the photo to link to Dean Dwyer's interview with Cesar
Click on the photo to link to Dean Dwyer’s interview with Cesar

Cesar has also just come out with an app that you can download to make the whole process of recording a second out of every day easier. It’s only $0.99 to purchase it.

What are your thoughts? I’m not going to add another thing to my plate right now (I’m already feeling a little bit overwhelmed), but once I’m done school I think this might be a really fun side project.

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Kara Peterson

You and your blog help to keep me inspired so I wanted to include you with the nomination.
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