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I saw this post on another blog, and I thought that it was a great idea. I don’t do too many of these types of posts, so I thought that it might be good fun. Also, this is sort of the quintessential (I can’t believe I spelled that right first try) actor interview show (The Actor’s Studio) so answering these questions – thinking of my business coach Catherine Lough Haggquist – is probably a great exercise in raising my vibration… also good practice.


Okay, here we go (please answer them yourself in the comments below, I would love to hear your answers)

1) What is your favourite word?

As of right now, I think it might be quintessential. No apparent reason, I just think it’s a cool word.

2) What is your least favourite word?

Probably “Fuck” because I always look so awkward when I say it… and for some reason too many of the characters I play say this word ALL THE TIME. Go figure.

3) What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

This is a tough one. I was just having a conversation about this with my boyfriend, and I think the answer is: that moment when I’m running around the seawall and the sun is coming up over the ocean and I achieve that untouchable runner’s high. Runner’s High turns me on – it makes me feel like I could do anything.

4) What turns you off?

Complaining. Lately I’ve been trying to eliminate this behaviour in myself because I’ve realized how much it bugs me to hear people complain about being busy, tired, etc – You know? The things we all are to varying degree. Perhaps it’s time to put a stop to the competition of: Who’s busier? or Who has had less sleep?

5) What is your favourite curse word?

Well, obviously it’s not “fuck.” That’s a tough one as I really don’t swear all that often. If I had to choose something, I think I would go with “Oh my God,” but in a really bad New York Dialect.

6) What sound or noise do you love?

I love the sound of page being turned in a really good book (I am currently reading David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Now THAT is a good book).

7) What sound or noise do you hate?

I hate the sound of snickering at the expense of someone else.

8) What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

I currently consider myself an actor/writer/blogger/editor – but if I wasn’t any of these things, I think that I would probably be a kick-ass personal trainer. Although I played with going down that route earlier this year and realized that such a career would only ever feel like Plan B. I never want to be the person who goes for Plan B.

9) What profession would you not like to do?

I could never work in a profession that dealt with blood. I am incredibly squeamish. I definitely could never work as a nurse or doctor.

10) If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Now, that wasn’t so hard was it?

Check out these responses by some of my fellow bloggers:
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1) What is your favourite word?

2) What is your least favourite word?
Disorder…because I have to ask…what exactly is the opposite of this disorder, so that I can get there, because plainly I am on a spectrum of order in some varying degree. What would be the best balance? 😉

3) What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Colour, light, music.

4) What turns you off?
intolerance, bigotry, whining, the statement of “I’m too good for this job” when the job gave you a new lease on life.

5) What is your favourite curse word?
It was “fuck” and often still is…because it’s a stress reducer

6) What sound or noise do you love?
rain, ocean, river….water

7) What sound or noise do you hate?
fluorescent lightbulbs

8) What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Given my situation currently…Spiritual Writer and Teacher

9) What profession would you not like to do?
truck driver

10) If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Welcome home Baby Girl <3

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