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Yesterday I had a very full and productive day. I also completed my second challenge. I was pretty tired when I got up at 7:00am and rolled out my yoga mat in preparation for some P90X stretching, and a large part of me wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed after I had finished, but instead (as promised) I took a moment and repeated the mantra

“I feel awake, alert, and excited about life”

to myself several times. I did this on 3 different occasions during the day, and within seconds of repeating the mantra the tired feeling went away.  Incredible. I swear to you that this will work if you believe that it can work. I didn’t have a coffee until 4:30pm that day (and that was only because I was meeting 2 actors at Starbucks to start-up and actor’s goal setting group). I didn’t need coffee. That mantra was all I needed to operate at my best for the entire day!!

This is huge! I mean, what a breakthrough for me – and maybe for you too. Try it! Does it work for you too?

On top of all the things I accomplished for school, I also made some big leaps towards my goal. I posted about this project on the Vancouver Actor’s Forum, and as a result a monthly goal setting group was formed. Every month I’m going to be meeting with a group of actor’s who will be keeping me accountable for the goals I set for myself.

If you are an actor living in the Vancouver area, and you are interested in joining this goal setting group – send me an e-mail

After the group, I attended the Cold Reading Series for the second week in a row and got a chance to read again. This time the role was significantly bigger. I got to play the goth again, but this time she was essentially one of the main characters. It was so much fun. As I sat on the stage, I continuously repeated to myself “you are an excellent cold reader and a superb actress.” I barely even remember hearing the “other voice.” The voice that tells me that I suck, and that I’m no good. If it was there, I didn’t even notice it. I was just so focused on pumping myself up, and making myself feel great. I had a few nerves when I stepped on the stage, but they were good nerves. I would have been concerned had they not been there. What I was experiencing was adrenaline, because I was doing what I love to do. The fear that I’m not good enough (something I’ve experienced my entire life) is quickly (not slowly) being replaced with confidence.

I like feeling confident.

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This is so true! I did a similar thing when my daughter was younger and woke up every day at 4:30 am. At some point I decided that instead of feeling tired and grumpy about waking up this early I was going to smile, be happy and thankful for this quality time that I got with my daughter before I needed to go to work. It really worked! Now I am back in that situation, waking up with a little one around 5 am – so it is a great time for me to re-introduce that “mantra”:) thanks for the inspiration/reminder!

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